DM-Multipath config file

By steve, 23 February, 2017

Below is a sample multipath config file for an DS3000 SAN:

devices {
    device {
        vendor                  IBM
        product                 "1726-2xx"
        path_checker            rdac
        path_grouping_policy    group_by_prio
        prio                    rdac
blacklist {
    wwid SAMSUNG_MZHPU512HCGL-00004_S1NDNYAFA00513
    wwid SAMSUNG_MZHPU512HCGL-00000_S1AENYAF900319
    wwid 3600605b0033ae3601c817e52d6d901be
multipaths {
    multipath {
        wwid    3600a0b80003ad39d00009eac56c0fe2b
        alias   bhqibm01-r6-sata02-ds01
    multipath {
        wwid    3600a0b80003ad39d00009e8c56c0fc25
        alias   bhqibm01-r6-sata03-ds01

The devices-device section at the top matches the vendor (/sys/block/sdX/device/vendor) and a regular expression against the product (/sys/block/sdX/device/model) and assigns the path checker module (how to tell if a path has failed), the path grouping policy (how to choose which path(s) to use) and which module to use to assign priorities to the paths.

The blacklist section stops the multipath driver from taking control of some devices. The example above uses the wwid parameter (ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ and look at the scsi-* or ata-* names). The alternative would be to put a bunch of device {} sections within the blacklist section and block by vendor/product.

The last section assigns an alias to a given multipath device (see below)

root@hostname:~# ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep dm-1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Feb 14 15:02 dm-name-bhqibm01-r6-sata02-ds01 -> ../../dm-1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Feb 14 15:02 dm-uuid-mpath-3600a0b80003ad39d00009eac56c0fe2b -> ../../dm-1
