I was recently working with a set of excel spreadsheets that have macros to consolidate data from multiple diffrent files into a single consolidated file. I needed to move these to sharepoint online, and it took me a long time to find the correct URL format to pass to the Workbooks.Open Filename parameter in order to open the sharepoint URL. What worked for me was the following URL format:
You can find the correct URL for a specific file by opening \\tenant.sharepoint.com@SSL\ in an explorer window and browsing.
The code to open a file and copy and paste is as follows:
Sub ClearBI() 'Quick search in destination for last non blank row Sheets("BI").Select Skiprows = 32768 ThisRow = 2 Do While Skiprows >= 1 And Cells(ThisRow, 1) <> "" If Cells(ThisRow + Skiprows, 1) <> "" Then ThisRow = ThisRow + Skiprows Else Skiprows = Skiprows / 2 End If Loop Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(ThisRow, 4)).Select Selection.ClearContents End Sub Sub CopyData() ConsolidatedWindowName = Application.ThisWorkbook.Name Windows(ConsolidatedWindowName).Activate ClearBI ActiveWorkbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False Row_Counter = 12 Windows(ConsolidatedWindowName).Activate Do While Sheets("FileNames").Cells(Row_Counter, 1) <> "" Windows(ConsolidatedWindowName).Activate ThisFileName = Sheets("FileNames").Cells(Row_Counter, 2) 'Show active file name in status bar (so you can see progress) Application.StatusBar = "Transferring Data from " & ThisFileName & "...Please be patient..." OpenFileName = Sheets("FileNames").Cells(Row_Counter, 3) PathName = OpenFileName Workbooks.Open Filename:=PathName, UpdateLinks:=0 ' Copy 1st set of Data from each location source file Windows(ConsolidatedWindowName).Activate Sheets("Dbase").Select PositionCell_1 ' Copy the BI data from source Windows(ThisFileName).Activate Sheets("BI").Select Skiprows = 32768 ThisRow = 2 'Quick search for first non blank row Do While Skiprows >= 1 And Cells(ThisRow, 1) <> "" If Cells(ThisRow + Skiprows, 1) <> "" Then ThisRow = ThisRow + Skiprows Else Skiprows = Skiprows / 2 End If Loop Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(ThisRow, 4)).Select Selection.Copy SourceRows = ThisRow - 1 'Quick search in destination for last non blank row Windows(ConsolidatedWindowName).Activate Sheets("BI").Select Skiprows = 32768 ThisRow = 2 'If there is data, find the first blank row If Cells(ThisRow, 1) <> "" Then Do While Skiprows >= 1 And Cells(ThisRow, 1) <> "" If Cells(ThisRow + Skiprows, 1) <> "" Then ThisRow = ThisRow + Skiprows Else Skiprows = Skiprows / 2 End If Loop 'Increment to the first blank row ThisRow = ThisRow + 1 End If Application.Goto ("R" & ThisRow & "C1") Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _ SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False ' Close Source File Windows(ThisFileName).Activate Application.CutCopyMode = False Workbooks(ThisFileName).Close SaveChanges:=False Row_Counter = Row_Counter + 1 Loop MsgBox ("Consolidation Complete!") Sheets("FileNames").Select Range("B6").Select End Sub