By steve, 16 December, 2016

I recently had to investigate an issue with group policy where a GPO was not being applied when a user logged on, even though it was linked to the root OU (see below):

Root OU ---- Computer OU
      |----- User OU

Loopback processing was enabled on the Computer OU in merge mode.


By steve, 25 November, 2016

I just found the following utility that could be used to remove roaming profiles that have not been used in more than X days:

The only options I could find in GPO/Registry are delete profile immediately on log-off, or delete ALL profiles (including local) after X days of inactivity on machine reboot. Neither of these options are ideal for managing roaming profiles.

By steve, 24 November, 2016

I recently replaced a Cisco router with a Mikrotik, where the cisco had a NAT rule as follows:
udp inside private_ip 5060 external_ip 5060

After replacing it with a Mikrotik that had an appropriate inbound NAT rule on port 5060, we only had on-way audio (if I made a call from outside, I could head them, but they could not hear me). The solution was to add an outbound NAT rule above the default outbound NAT rule to make sure the source port for outbound packets remained at 5060. e.g. the required NAT rules (and ordering) are as follows:


By steve, 23 November, 2016

I have been debugging an issue where users of a database are experiencing slow performance periodically, which was traced to some slow SQL queries for some reports (the 50 second read operation was locking records, stopping any updates from running until the read finished). In response, we enabled SSRS caching for the slow queries (it did not matter if the reports for these datasets are 30-60 minutes behind real time), and changed the refresh interval of the report to 15 minutes instead of 5.


By steve, 26 July, 2016

I have just finished working out how to set up a distributed icinga2 environment with 2 zones. Zone1 is on the public internet, and Zone2 is behind a firewall, so Zone2 can connect to Zone1, but there is no connectivity the other way around. The setup steps for me were:

The things I would like to note are:

By steve, 10 June, 2016

The following SQL will calculate the number of workdays in a given month:

WITH t as 
	select 1 x
	union all 
	select x + 1
	from t
	where x < day(dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, 1, datefromparts([year], [month], 1))))
SELECT COUNT(x) NumWeekDays from t 
whereDATEPART(dw, datefromparts([year], [month], x)) not in (1,7)

And for Connectwise, the following would calculate the number of work days in a given month:
